Characters at Pick up basketball games

Growing up one of my favorite things to do was to play basketball pick up games. It was always fun to be picked and play against others for the first time. After playing several pick up games I started to realize there was a pattern that kept emerging.  There would always be an interesting cast of characters on the basketball court. 

1. Player who thinks they are back in their glory years and have enough game to beat everyone on the court.

2. My favorite character is the player who argues about the rules and has intense arguments during the game about how many steps were taken during a carry or traveling.  Whenever the accusation is mad about traveling or a carry the opposing team denies it, in which case the rule guy precedes to show them what he saw to have them agree with him.  When that doesn’t happen he starts asking other team mates.  It’s as if the guy in his mind thinks that he is officiating the nba playoffs.  I love this guy and he makes it worth it to go and play pick up games for the one argument that stops the whole game.


Here’s to you Mr. Rule man during pick games!

The hardest you will work mentally….

Jobs are sometimes difficult but I think the hardest type of work is mental work.  After a couple of epiphanies I realized that the hardest I have mentally worked is when I didn’t have much money.

Everything works in reverse.

Example : The bank calls you and tells you that the money you were supposed to give to so and so didn’t work out because you don’t have enough money in your account.  That makes sense and than just for fun the bank will kick you when your down. “We know that you don’t have much money in your account but we will have to charge you a fee for not having money.”

You think twice about groceries, eating out and even going to get gas for your car. Many times you have to get creative ; and it’s one of the hardest mental jobs you can ever have.

Everything you do is affected by money and it becomes evident when you don’t have any!

I don’t want to make this blog post depressing but it’s only when you don’t have much you realize what is truly important. When you don’t have much your focus can increase on the important things and take it as a blessing not a curse!

Take care of what’s important and always be growing , enjoy your friday and have some fun.




Dancing Bear

Place of confusion

Yesterday I went to a place that when I was growing up I loved. It was a place that was enjoyable as a child, a place that fed me physically. A place on a hot day would quench your thirst.

I am talking about the Grocery Store.

Why am I afraid of going to the grocery store

– I used to go and just go ahead and pick up milk and eggs.  That simple task has become a chore in understanding what type of milk and if there is a new milk how is different than the other milks. Thinking to myself if milk isn’t good for me than why am I buying a substitute for something that’s not good for me? Also, having the thought running through my head is this much rice in the rice milk good for me?

– I can’t just go buy the general thing I need.  Example : A product as simple as water has the following questions : Flavored or Unflavored? Plastic or Glass? Distilled , Reverse Osmosis, Spring water? If Spring water where is it sourced?

-Trying to read nutrition facts and understanding what they mean. Going to wikipedia on my phone typing in each ingredient and realizing that I didn’t pay attention in Chemistry class when I was growing up. Which is a double downer , buying a product not knowing what’s in it and even if I did know what’s in it not knowing how it  affects me.

I am not against buying good stuff for your body but why is there 25 different types of potato chips?

Going to the grocery store used to be an activity that I enjoyed but after the grocery store became a mini- mall it feels like a casino , don’t know how long you’ve been there and spending more money than you expected.

Hope you have a great day and avoid the grocery store!

Thoughts on Game Shows

While I was growing up ; game shows were a big thing. Jeopardy, Hollywood Squares, Price is Right, Wheel of Fortune,etc. While watching these shows ; I honestly thought people used these skills to get meaningful jobs.

Doesn’t it sound great to make money as a career answering questions about either without letters, guessing the price of products without labels? After studying and trying to get better while watching these shows I began to realize that these skills wouldn’t hold up in today’s job market.

Imagine if you put on your resume : 

Additional skills : Ability to guess prices of products without price labels and also know all the places Elvis was fond of.  

Don’t think it will hold up ? Me neither 


I saw this pillow today and had to post it ; it’s called the Ostrich Pillow and it’s hilarious and awesome.  The picture is self-explanatory




My thoughts on Mongolian BBQ

Has anyone been to the Mongolian BBQ concept? I went there for the first time awhile ago and was excited to try a new type of cuisine.  I get there and they ask me unlimited or one bowl ; which I felt was an odd question in a restaurant.  Told them I guess unlimited and thinking I could go ahead and order they were like you can go ahead to the food.

I went up to the Food area and I see all the meats and veggies.Ended up having someone explain to me that the process works this way:

1. Pick out the raw food (veggies, meats, seasonings)

2. Hand my bowl to the person who is going to grill my food in front of me

3. Wait until the food is cooked and take it back to my table.

From what I can gather ; I am doing the chef’s and the waiter/waitress’s job.  It would be good if someone could let me know what I am paying for besides using their fridge.

Mild Obsessions

This is my first post on the blog.

This blog is going to be a forum for comedy, products and things I enjoy or would like to enjoy :-), and musings about life.

To start of the blog I have some mild obsessions recently ; thought it would be good to share so you can have trouble sleeping too!

1. Tumbleweed Tiny Houses – Absolutely Fascinating designs for homes that are mobile and can be taken anywhere.  Small things done well can be the most beautiful pieces of art.

Link for Tumbleweed :

2. Pearce on Earth – Fascinating story of a family that has been traveling around the world and homeschooling their children. Great perspective to show that the impossible is possible.

Link :

3. Elon Musk – He is a person who I admire because of his big vision. He is changing the world by himself (created Tesla motors 100% electric cars, Launching rockets into space and also developing reusable rockets).  I have included his Ted talk below, oh and by the way he is the inspiration for the Ironman movies.

Link :